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USI Organised a Scholar’s Presentation by Brig Sanjeev Chauhan, YSM, Senior Research Fellow, USI on the Topic “China’s Strategic Behaviour, its Manifestations, Implications and India’s Strategic Response” on 20 June 2019

USI organised a scholar’s presentation on the Topic “China’s Strategic Behaviour, its Manifestations, Implications and India’s Strategic Response” on 20 June 2019.

USI organised a scholar’s presentation on the Topic “China’s Strategic Behaviour, its Manifestations, Implications and India’s Strategic Response” on 20 June 2019. Welcome remarks were made by Maj Gen BK Sharma, AVSM, SM** (Retd), Deputy Director (Research) and Head Centre for Strategic Studies and Simulation (CS3), which was followed by Chairman & External Discussant remarks by Lt General SL Narasimhan, PVSM, AVSM**, VSM (Retd).

In his presentation the research scholar Brig Sanjeev Chauhan gave a brief overview of the book chapters. He discussed the cultural narrative in China, its Sino-centric world view, superiority complex, role of nationalism in its internal and foreign policy. He also highlighted the assertive China’s aspirations to become a cyber-superpower, its most ambitious connectivity infrastructure project BRI,  its aggressive approach to border disputes, and simmering tension with both Western powers and its Asian neighbours. He also suggested the ways to dialoguing with Influential China. External Discussant Lt Gen SL Narasimhan, PVSM, AVSM**, VSM (Retd) made recommendations and suggestions to further enrich his research on various aspects of book, particularly, on the behavioural pattern of China, on the role of nationalism, China’s action to secure its border, and social credit system . Maj Gen BK Sharma, AVSM, SM** (Retd) made the concluding remarks. The event was attended by various officers from service headquarters and researchers from various think tanks.

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