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Islamic State Names new Emir in ‘Bengal’

Brig Narender writes, suicide attacks on multiple religious places in Sri Lanka have given impetus to the ideology of Islamic State of Khurasan (IS-K). Nominating a new Emir of Bengal is letting the world know Islamic State is present in South Asia.

Suicide attacks on multiple religious places in Sri Lanka have given impetus to the ideology of Islamic State of Khurasan (IS-K). Nominating a new Emir of Bengal is letting the world know Islamic State is present in South Asia. It may be more for optics but what it has done is that it will create an euphoria among the sleeper cells and subdued modules. Terror organisations want to remain in news by way of sensationalism, that is attacks, periodic message to the followers or sympathisers and also to the detractors. Sri Lanka attacks have made the statement that IS has arrived in the sub-continent and they are going to increase their activities.

Though it may not make an immediate impact but what it can do is to raise sagging morale of the IS sleeper cells and sympathisers. There is a need to understand that Islamic State is a transnational organisation and therefore, it needs to be dealt in a synergised manner. India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Myanmar should come together to fight it collectively. Most important aspect is keeping all organisations with radical ideology and suspects under surveillance and any transnational linkages be shared with the affected nations. The reports emerging from Sri Lanka suggests that Tauheed Jamaat  a franchise of IS have links with the radicals in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Threat to India from IS and Al Qaeda cannot be ruled out. There has been spurt in social media with regard to circulation of literature supporting Islamic State and threat of future attacks by IS cadres. The threat in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka West Bengal and even Bihar cannot be ruled out.  West Bengal is vulnerable from home grown Jihadi as well as linkages of many hard-line radicals with Jamatul Mujahideen (New-JMB) of Bangladesh. The cadres of JNB have been frequenting West Bengal whenever there has been pressure on them from Bangladesh Security Forces. In fact attack in Sri Lanka has highlighted the vulnerability of places of worship and public gathering from the home grown self-radicalised cadres.

The threat of suicide attacks, lone wolf and mass shooting cannot be ruled out in India from the IS modules. There is a need to make intelligence agencies more accountable and proactive in tracking down the terrorists. Political grandstanding to protect radicals and terror organisations for vote bank politics could be catastrophic. Political attempt to protect hate mongers must be brought to book.

There is a need to lay down the law against concealing identity under the pretext of religion. But before it is done there is a need to educate people of the impending dangers of concealing identity and second, to carry out digital mapping of entire population and implementing facial recognition program. Those who are not identified or suspects/ criminals at large be segregated and questioned. Such a system will assist in identification of illegal migrants, criminals at large and identified terrorists.

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