Ponthungo Odyuo writes, it appears that the BJP led NDA government is determined in sheltering ‘persecuted’ communities and it is under this rhetoric that it has been pushing for the CAB. However, under the veil, through this bill the BJP is trying to change the demography (especially of the Northeastern states) for its political goals,
Army Raises Alarm over Rising Accidents due to Faulty Ammunition: TOI
Brig Narender writes, the rising accident due to faulty ammunition is a cause for concern for the Army and Govt should immediately debunk the frail excuse of handling and storage of ammunition . Ammunition is supposed to be robust that could sustain handling in war like situation.
Game of Thrones: The Perfect Metaphor
Anuroop Dasgupta writes, The Game of Thrones is the perfect metaphor for the modern world that we live in full of political and social chaos. the impending environment problems, corruption and ever increasing challenges we have created for ourselves.
Where is the money for 2019 Elections Coming from?
M Rugveda writes about the recent electoral reforms, introduction of electoral bonds, its pros and cons and implication for the Indian democracy.
LWE: From Naxalites Point of View
Thumati Yoganandha Reddy writes about the Left Wing Extremism problem, the political and the social grievances in rural areas behind it.
Beneath The Black Veil
Lekshmi P. B writes, ISIS is becoming more powerful than before. They have widened their links and connections all over the world. Threat does not come from an organisational pattern or from the so-called caliphate or Al-Baghdadi himself. But the ecosystem has also given access to ISIS to become powerful