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North Korea: A Fight between Food and Nuke

Oishik writes, it is almost astounding to see that a state like North Korea can do so well in fields that need very high standards of technology and huge monetary investments and yet so poor in providing for its people basic freedoms and necessary elements of a livelihood

Pakistan’s Financial Crisis: A Negotiation with the IMF

Hannah K writes, If Pakistan is to tackle its current account deficit in the long run, the government must take substantial steps to improve the macroeconomic conditions of the country and modernize its industrial sector to become more competitive in international markets.

Radicalisation Among Youths In Kerala

Raul Harish writes, radicalisation is increasingly becoming a danger for youths in Kerala. The government should take a closer look at the mosques in Kerala to see which is functioning correctly and which is not. Parents of youths should be made aware of the issue and should be given the ability to inform the authorities if they notice any radical behaviour in their children.

Rape Culture

K Ganesh writes about the victim shaming culture in India and how society at large looks down upon rape victims as though it was their fault that they got raped and that they had asked for it with that attire or shade of lipstick or the drink that they had or even the time they stepped out of house.