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Net Assessment Capsule at ARTRAC, Shimla

USI conducted a ‘Net Assessment Capsule’ for the officers of the Indian Army at the ARTRAC, HQ, Shimla from the 16-18 June 2015.

Net Assessment Capsule at ARTRAC, Shimla

USI conducted a ‘Net Assessment Capsule’ for the officers of the Indian Army at the ARTRAC, HQ, Shimla from the 16-18 June 2015. The USI team comprised of Maj Gen BK Sharma, AVSM, SM**(Retd), Gp Catain Sharad Tewari, VM (Retd), and Dr. Roshan Khanijo. Opening Remark was given by Lt Gen R Dhawan, VSM**, Chief Of Staff, HQ ARTRAC.


Opening Address by Lt Gen R Dhawan, VSM**, Chief Of Staff, HQ ARTRAC

In the First Session Maj Gen BK Sharma gave an overview of the Net Assessment (NA) which included Comprehensive National Power, National Security, Concept of Strategic Balance and Net Assessment terminologies. In the post tea session he discussed NA ‘Methodologies and Processes’. The Tools and Techniques used in NA was discussed by Dr Roshan Khanijo subsequently.


Net Assessment Lecture by Maj Gen BK Sharma, AVSM, SM**(Retd)


Lecture by Dr Roshan Khanijo



Maj Gen BK Sharma, AVSM, SM**(Retd) along with the ARTRAC Dignitaries

On the second and third day in an interactive session Gp Capt Sharad Tewari discussed the “Alternate Futures of South Asia”. Subsequently Pakistan was taken as a case study where drivers were identified and scenario building exercise was discussed. Maj Gen BK Sharma concluded the session by discussing the methods involved in formulation of National Security Strategy and he also discussed the key points of ‘Formulation of Approach paper on NSS for India’. Closing remarks and summing up was done by Lt Gen R Dhawan, COS, HQ ARTRAC.


Lecture by Gp Capt Sharad Tewari VM (Retd)

The net Assessment capsule was attended by the officers from the training units of the Army from all over India. Each session had an interactive session where free and frank discussions were held.


Audience at ARTRAC



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