IS Panjrath writes: There are also increasing instances where the Chinese assistance initially accepted as a genuine financial bailout by smaller nations is now turning out to be a case of ‘disguised strategic equities for China’ (effects of Chinese investments on the financial health of Sri Lanka are already visible while the CPEC in Pakistan is likely to follow suit).
Geopolitics - 15. page
Is It Role Reversal? Protectionist Trump – America First, Or China Going Global
Maj Gen Asthana (Retd) writes: President Donald Trump’s swearing in speech from Capitol Hill on January20, 2017, resonating “America First” policy, appeared as an extension of election rhetoric, reassuring his voters that he will pursue agendas for which he has been voted to power as a President.
Taliban Asks Donald Trump To Review Afghanistan Policy
Bhatnagar writes: Taliban has asked Donald Trump to review Afghanistan Policy and withdraw all foreign forces from the insurgency-plagued country. Should Trump who envisions achieving a stable and peaceful world with less conflict and more common ground; review, in the short term, America’s strategy in Afghanistan in light of a re-surging Taliban?
India’s Right to Self Defense against Pakistan
Dr Raj Kumar Sharma writes: It is high time that India pushes the envelope further by building a case for such strikes on the basis of international law and past precedents.
Redefining Pakistan
Dr Raj Kumar Sharma writes: This corridor is likely to have negative impact on Pakistan’s economy as Chinese products could flood its market and would draw out its small domestic manufacturers.
China’s White Paper on Space : 2016
Sanjay Kumar writes: The White Paper states that all countries in the world have equal rights to peacefully explore, develop and utilize outer space and celestial bodies. The outer space activities should be beneficial to country’s economic development and social progress, and to the peace, security, survival and development of mankind.