USI conducted a Strategic Panel Discussion for Iraqi and Syrian diplomats undergoing special course at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), New Delhi on January 22, 2018 . The aim of Strategic Panel Discussion is to provide an opportunity to participants to understand and analyse dynamics of ISIS as a transnational threat and its growing footprints in Eurasia.
Geopolitics - 12. page
China’s Infrastructure vulnerable to Ballistic Missile attack?
Roshan Writes: Ballistic missile and its proliferation are transforming the nature of warfare. The deterrence factor associated with this technology cannot be underestimated. In the modern age, no nation can think of a full-fledged war and if some nation becomes aggressive and think that it can bulldoze its way, they should think twice about the consequences.
China in Post 19th National Party Congress of the CPC Era: Geopolitical, Strategic and Security Implications
The United Service Institution of India (USI) conducted a Presentation cum Discussion on “China in Post 19th National Party Congress of the CPC Era: Geopolitical, Strategic and Security Implications” at USI on 10 January 2018.
Belt And Road Initiative: Casting The Net Wider
Anurag writes, A Chess Tournament called “Belt and Road 2017” is about to conclude. A school team tournament called the First Chongqing Belt and Road Chess International was played in the month of September 2017. The Belt and Road Haikou Youth Football Tournament was played out in November. China is clearly investing in soft power and also extending the scope of its Belt and Road initiative to sports and cultural realms, particularly involving the youth. A firm resolve to execute President Xi Jinping’s ideology is also evident
Playing Taiwan Card Dangerous for New Delhi
Narender writes, India as a sovereign nation is entitled to enter into a bilateral economic activity with another nation. India should not be taking sanction from China with whom it should have economic, political, diplomatic and military cooperation on the principle of equality and mutual interest.
USI conducted a Round Table Discussion with NDU, Washington
The United Service Institution of India (USI) conducted a Round Table Discussion at USI on 13 December 2017. The speakers were Dr Thomas Lynch, Distinguished Research Fellow for South Asia and the Near East in the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) at the Institute of National Strategic Studies (INSS) at the National Defense University (NDU) and Shri TCA Raghavan, IFS (Retd).