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Indo-Pacific - 7. page

Emerging Alliances in the Indo-Pacific

Subhashish writes, In the backdrop of the four day visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to India, is an evolving story of the maritime presence of France and United Kingdom in the Indo-Pacific region.

Xi has the “Mandate of Heaven” in the “Middle Kingdom”

Nihar writes, with the scrapping of two-term limit on presidency, as made public by CPC central committee on 25 Feb 2018[1], it’s quite apparent that, Xi is going to continue at the helm at least till 2027. It seems that Xi has assumed the “Mandate of Heaven (tianming)”- the responsibility to maintain order and harmony in the world.

Belt And Road Initiative: Casting The Net Wider

Anurag writes, A Chess Tournament called “Belt and Road 2017” is about to conclude. A school team tournament called the First Chongqing Belt and Road Chess International was played in the month of September 2017. The Belt and Road Haikou Youth Football Tournament was played out in November. China is clearly investing in soft power and also extending the scope of its Belt and Road initiative to sports and cultural realms, particularly involving the youth. A firm resolve to execute President Xi Jinping’s ideology is also evident