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USI Conducts Strategic Planning Exercise for Foreign Diplomats

USI in collaboration with Foreign Service Institute (FSI) conducted a Strategic Planning Exercise on 9 April 2015 for foreign diplomats attending a Professional Course for Foreign Diplomats (PCFD).

USI in collaboration with Foreign Service Institute (FSI) conducted a Strategic Planning Exercise on 9 April 2015 for foreign diplomats attending a Professional Course for Foreign Diplomats (PCFD). The event was attended by 26 diplomats from countries of South Asia, IOR littoral states, West Asia and CAR.  The strategic discussions encompassed the evolving geopolitical and security developments in four major regions namely the Western Pacific, Eurasia, Af-Pak and the IOR.

The issues discussed during the discussions are highlighted below:-


  • Western Pacific

o   The prognosis of US Rebalancing Strategy and how will US led geopolitics of alliances (with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and others ASEAN Countries) play up in future?

o   How will China’s Counter Intervention Strategies unfold?

o   What will be the emerging strategic nexus of Russia in the Western Pacific?

o   What are the Tipping points/Wild Cards that can spark off a conflict in the region?

o   What preventive diplomacy one would like to propose to build strategic trust between the various contestants?


The Panelist for Strategic Gaming


  • Eurasia Group


o   Assessment of emerging strategic scenario in Eurasia with particular reference to developments in Ukraine?


o   Impact of this emerging scenario on strategic balance in Eurasia?


o   How would the continued tension between the US/NATO and Russia play out in future?




The Foreign Diplomats


  • West Asia

o   Assessment of threat posed by the ISIS and other militant groups and how do these impact the region?

o   Assessment of Syrian crisis and suggest a way forward?

o   Assessment of crisis in Iraq and the future predictions?

o   Prognosis of ongoing competition between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the region with particular reference to Yemen crisis?

o   ‘Tipping points’ which could trigger a conflict between US/NATO and Russia?

o   What measures do you recommend to build trust, peace and normalcy in the region?




Panelist for Strategic Gaming


  •  Af-Pak and Indian Ocean Region (IOR)

o   Challenges and prospects of peace & security in Af-Pak region and recommend measures to foster peace & stability in the region?

o   Implications of security situation in Af-Pak region for South Asia and Central Asia?

o   What are the dynamics’ of India-China-Pakistan relations and recommend measures to foster cooperation between them?

o   Discuss the increasing salience of IOR in security calculus of regional and extra regional powers, in the quest for regional strategic balance?

o   Discuss the elements of competition and cooperation between stakeholders, in the IOR.

o   What are the challenges and prospects to transform IOR into a zone of cooperation and prosperity?

The discussions were candid and highly stimulating with free flowing inputs from the participants.

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