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Shadow Armies: The Unseen, But Real US War In Africa

Narender writes, Africa is facing one of the most critical periods in the history where Islamic Jihad ideology is causing instability in oil rich 22 North African nations and there is a scramble to control resource rich Sub Sahara region. The race to control natural resources has gained momentum and US and its European allies are being challenged by Russia and rising China.

“There is a real – but largely concealed – war which is taking place throughout the African continent. It involves the United States, an invigorated Russia and a rising China. The outcome of the war is likely to define the future of the continent and its global outlook,” writes internationally acclaimed author and journalist Dr Ramzy Baroud.

The Dark Continent is today facing one of the most critical periods in the history where Islamic Jihad ideology is causing instability in oil rich 22 North African nations and there is a scramble to control resource rich Sub Sahara region. The race to control natural resources has gained momentum and US and its European allies are being challenged by Russia and rising China.

The modus-operandi is simple, manipulate regimes, threaten instability, create pockets of influence and uncontrolled chaos if the interests of big three are compromised. South Sudan, Nigeria, Libya, Mali, Tunisia, Algeria, DR Congo and many nations are politically, economically and militarily unstable in spite of being resource rich.

US has predominant presence and influence in Sub Sahara region and its mining giants were operating with impunity having private armies and private airfields. US still holds considerable influence in this region by sharing the economic benefits of the loot of natural resources, coercion and by supporting regimes and juntas in many of these countries. China has made inroads through trade, commerce and infrastructure development. Chines trade with Africa has risen from $10.5 billion per year in 2000 to $166 billion in 2011. Since then, it has continued at the same impressive pace, highest among the other trading partners. Russia’s strategic approach to Africa is based on reviving their historical relationship, arms supply, economic and industrial aid. Russia is also exploiting anti US lobby within Africa to pursue its strategic objectives.

The conflict has spilled over from West Asia to Africa and disruptive strategy through military, economic, political, cyber and information tools haver made it a new battle ground of big three (US, China & Russia). It could lead to collapse of regimes, forced displacement of population from North Africa and even from Sub Sahara region, environmental disasters due to over exploitation of natural resources and unprecedented collateral damage. US has already deployed close to 3500 Special Forces men in Africa’s resource rich countries and increased US and Russian military activities will push African continent into unprecedented instability.

Irony is that the world is not talking about this unseen, unreported war that is creating havoc on humanity and natural resources. It is time for the global community to pay attention to the Dark Continent and prevent it from complete chaos to complete collapse.


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