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Release of USI Strategic Year Book 2018

USI released its annual publication Strategic Year Book 2018 for the consecutive second year at the premises of Admiral Sunil Lanba, PVSM, AVSM, ADC, Chief of the Naval Staff on 01 Jun 2018. The book was released by Admiral Sunil Lanba, PVSM, AVSM, ADC, Chief of the Naval Staff.

Admiral Sunil Lanba, PVSM, AVSM, ADC, Chairman COSC and Chief of the Naval Staff released USI annual publication “Strategic Year Book 2018” at the CNS office on 01 Jun 2018. USI has published Strategic Year Book for the third consecutive year. The first Strategic Year Book was published in 2016. The USI delegation that visited CNS office comprised Lt Gen PK Singh, PVSM, AVSM (Retd), Director, USI, Maj Gen BK Sharma, AVSM, SM** (Retd), Dy Director (Research), USI, Shri Sanjay Singh, IFS (Retd), Brig (Retd) P K Vij, Dr (Mrs) Roshan Khanijo, Senior Research Fellow & Research Coordinator.


This current issue of the Yearbook contains series of articles by eminent persons and experts on various aspects of national security, focusing on the strategic challenges and opportunities beset by India in the strategic journey towards an emerging leading power. The aim is to provide a strategic perspective which will create awareness and also help the policymakers in giving a strategic direction for India to transform into a developed society and a secured nation


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