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National Vision On Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Subhasish writes, In India, the development of AI based applications has been driven primarily by the private sector, especially start-ups. Implementation of AI solutions has also been in the private sector with the most widespread use seen in consumer targeting by e-commerce sites, chat bots of banks and information technology services. There are no reports of any major AI development in Government laboratories or Public Sector.In India, the development of AI based applications has been driven primarily by the private sector, especially start-ups. Implementation of AI solutions has also been in the private sector with the most widespread use seen in consumer targeting by e-commerce sites, chat bots of banks and information technology services. There are no reports of any major AI development in Government laboratories or Public Sector.

Cyber Ranges – Need Of The Hour

Subhasish Writes: The need for cyber security in the present scenario of cyber threats can never be overstated. The scale and complexity of attacks is rising and there is an urgent requirement to face up to emergent threats.