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Masood Azhar: India’s Diplomatic Win

Oishik writes, listing of Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Masood Azhar into the United Nations list of global terroristswin, is a diplomatic win for India in their bid to prove Pakistan’s latent behaviour towards persecuting terrorists in their land.

Malfunctioning Of EVMs- A Very Old Dominating Trend

Abna Rahim writes, India is conducting its 17th Lok Sabha General Elections. Indian General Elections areconsidered to be the largest democratic exercise in the world. But this democraticexercise is not conducted without any problems.

The Syrian Cry

Anna writes, the world has still not awakened from the shock of seeing a three-year-old Alan Kurdi lying on the sand. It’s been almost four years and still the cry of Syrian people has not able to melt the hearts of the personals behind the long struggle.