Sneh Chiripal writes, the significant rise of women power in the Indian Armed Forces will not only encourage young women of our country to be the part of our defense sector but will also build a strong Armed Force for our country.
Deconstructing India’s Latest Outreach to Syria
Takshak Pai writes, the optics of a pro-Assad stance by India has previously been met with criticism, it may bode well for the current Indian government to strengthen ties with Syria.
Prime Minister Modi in Maldives
Aditya Gupta writes, India has realized the importance of its South Asian neighbours and no longer takes for granted its traditional sphere of influence.
Critique of Thucydides Trap and Possibility of China’s Monroe Doctrine
J.Mohanasakthivel writes, ASEAN to China is the way the Latin America is to the US. However, China’s interest would serve better if it did not enforce any versions of Monroe doctrine.
In search of Equilibrium: The Turkish-American Defence Conundrum (Part 2)
Thejus Gireesh writes Turkey , like India, has been caught in the cross-hair between US and Russia. The Imposition of Sanctions on Turkey shall set a new and unwarranted precedent by the US which can have a direct and indirect result on future US foreign policy.
In Search of Equilibrium: India’s Attempt to Manage US and Russian Defence Clashes (Part 1)
Thejus Gireesh writes, India walking on razor edge as the purchase of S-400 from Russia might attract fresh sanctions from the Trump administration. It also tests India’s old friendship with Russia against its new strategic partnership with the US.