The annual USI international Security Seminar was held on 07-08 November 2019 at the United Service Institution of India (USI), New Delhi. The theme for this year’s seminar was “Transnational Terrorism: Evolving Threats and Responses.”
Visit of Armed Forces War Course (AFWC) Bangladesh Delegation to USI on 09 October 2019
A 26-member delegation led by Brig. Gen Abu Sayeed Mohammad Ali from the Armed Forces War College (AFWC), Bangladesh visited USI on 09 October 2019.
Visit of USI Delegation to Vietnam on 25-27 Sep 2019
Vietnam’s Institute for Defence International Relations (IDIR) and United Service Institution of India (USI) interact bilaterally, with the USI visiting Vietnam in odd numbered years and the IDIR reciprocating by visiting USI in even numbered years. This interaction commenced with the visit of the first USI Delegation to IDIR from 10 to 15 May 2006. As part of this periodic interaction, a USI delegation visited Vietnam from 25 September to 27 September 2019.
Visit of Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) Defence College Delegation to USI on 01 Oct 2019
A 16 member Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) Defence College delegation led by Maj Gen Ezeldin Osman Taha Elfaki visited USI on 01 October 2019.
USI conducted Round Table Discussion with Cdr Greg Malandrino, Office of Net Assessment, Pentagon on the Topic “Security Concerns in the Indo-Pacific Region” on 01 Oct 2019
A round table discussion was organised with Cdr Greg Malandrino, Office of Net Assessment, Pentagon on the topic “Security Concerns in the Indo-Pacific Region” on 01 Oct 2019.
A joint United Service Institution of India (USI) – Sichuan University, China Seminar was conducted at USI on 27-28 August 2019
A joint United Service Institution of India (USI) – Sichuan University, China seminar was conducted at USI on 27-28 August 2019. The seminar was organised as a part of the joint project “Building Strategic Trust Between India & China” between the two institutions. The project will culminate into a book form. The participating authors/scholars writing various sections of the book presented their perspective at the seminar. Some of the contributing authors were not able to attend the seminar, their respective perspective were presented by selected members from the teams.