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India – Uzbekistan Partnership in Peace Building in Afghanistan

Maj Gen BK Sharma AVSM, SM** (Retd), Director, USI writes, the world leaders at the 75th UN General Assembly have made strong pitch for comprehensive UN reforms for strengthening multilateralism , meeting sustainable developmental goals and revamping measures for conflict prevention and resolution. There is a strong convergence of vision articulated by the President of Uzbekistan and the Prime Minister of India on the role of UN in peace building in Afghanistan. President of Uzbekistan has proposed creation of a Permanent Team at UN ( PTUN ) to coordinate international peace building efforts Afghanistan. India and Afghanistan have played significant role in capacity building in the conflict torn country . Great scope exists for the two countries to work together on joint projects at the bilateral level as well as multilaterally under the aegis of UN . However , the concept needs more deliberations to give it a practical shape.