The test is a boost to India’s missile development programme and will bring India closer to achieving a credible deterrence as far as China is concerned says Dr Roshan
ISIS Creating Nexus of Global Terror by Issuing Pledges of Allegiance Online
Both Al-Qaeda and the ISIS avowedly belong to the Salafi sect of Sunni Islam. However, the most distinguishing tenet of this sectarian ideology is its insistence against ‘innovation’ (bidaah) in […]
Neo-Ottomanism in Tatters
Turkey’s self-righteous grandstanding is isolating it internationally, writes Dr. Adil Rasheed, Senior Research Fellow (West Asia Asia) at the Center for Strategic Studies and Simulation, USI.
Europe Searching for ‘Grand Strategy’ to Forge Partnerships with Rising Asian Powers
In economic doldrums, Europe is searching for a new strategy to re-establish its preeminence on the geopolitical stage. Amid a resurgent Russia, a rising China and an America pivoting towards Asia, […]
USI National Security Seminar 2014 on ‘Indian Ocean Region: Emerging Strategic Cooperation, Competition and Conflict Scenarios’
The USI organized its National Security Seminar 2014, titled ‘Indian Ocean Region: Emerging Strategic Cooperation, Competition and Conflict Scenarios’ on 13-14 November 2014. The Inaugural Session of the Seminar began with the Welcome Address delivered by Lt. Gen. PK Singh, PVSM, AVSM (Retd), Director USI, followed by the Keynote Address of Admiral RK Dhowan, PVSM, AVSM, YSM, ADC, Chief of Naval Staff
A presentation by Col Sanjev Relia on “Cyber Warfare: It’s Implications on National Security” was organised by the USI on the 25 of November 2014