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Sweden’s membership to NATO

Charan writes on how Sweden’s membership of NATO will guide Sweden’s actions in the future geopolitical arena, and how it impacts the relationship between Russia and NATO.

The Teesta River Issue: India & Bangladesh

Introduction Bangladesh recently announced a potential $1 billion funding for the Teesta River Comprehensive Management and Restoration Project.i This news has made India uneasy as it fears successful Chinese involvement […]

Debt Diplomacy: Is China seizing nations or assisting development

Ashly writes Debt-trap diplomacy is intensively connected with the policy that China has implemented in its foreign policy as suggested by some scholars. China intentionally excessively lends funds to countries that are economically depressed. In this policy, China massively lent funds for infrastructural project without any immediate funds. This debt policy is however widely criticised by many, for its unethical diplomacy.