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India’s Baluchistan Card , what does it Imply ?

Maj Gen BK Sharma (Retd) Writes: In Indian strategic circles there is a wide endorsement that time has come to pay Pakistan in the same coin.And , India must support popular anti Pakistan sentiments in the Pok and Baluchistan

Maj Gen BK Sharma (Retd) Writes: India’s former  forreign secretary Nirupama  Roy in an article titled ” Neigbours concern” has provided a thought provoking perspective on the pros and cons of India’s Baluchistan policy enunciated by the PM Modi from the ramparts of Red Fort on 15 Aug .His statement has come under sharp debate within and outside the country.In Indian strategic circles there is a  wide endorsement that time has come to pay Pakistan in the same coin.And , India must support popular anti Pakistan sentiments in the Pok and Baluchistan. Skeptics opine that it is diverting attention from the Kashmir imbroglio and is at best a political rhetoric with India having  little capacity to act.Pakistan is crying Wolf and selling the narrative that PM Modi’s statement is an open acknowledgement of Indian hand in Baluchistan conflict .China has sharply reacted to PM ‘ s statement that any Indian efforts to scuttle the CPEC would invite China’s intervention .Baluchistan diaspora has welcomed PM statement yet at the same time there have been demonstrations in Pok and Baluchistan condemning India.India has certainly upped the ante.Views are solicited how this new dimension in India – Pakistan – China triangular relations plays out. To read the article please see the link below

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