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India – Eu Gateway: A Full-Fledged Cooperation

Gauri Priya writes that historically largescale interconnectedness between India and many of its neighbouring countries existed. These interactions included largescale flow of goods, services, capital and people spanning from foothills of Himalayas to the mouth of Bay of Bengal was influenced mainly by the Brahmaputra and Barak Rivers.[i] The geopolitics of this landmark was different and global equations were different but later unfortunately on these regions got fractioned. Now through the India-EU gateway, the EU wants to enlarge connectivity with India and wants to restore the interconnectedness between Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and India’s North-Eastern States.[ii]

The Global Gateway of cooperation was launched in 2021 for developing digital, energy and transportation [Three Pillars] arenas of underdeveloped countries.[iii] But if we look it in a strategic and diplomatic way, we can find out that for EU the main focus was to counter China’s and Russia’s influence in this area and to get support from India- which is now having a great power in Global Geopolitics. Some of the other driving forces for this connectivity are:

  • To bring investments in Northeast regions, boosting connectivity with India’s neighbours.
  • Counter Russian Influence – Many projects like- fibre optics cable connectivity between Northern African countries to Southern European Countries, Hydropower plant in Tajikistan to reduce Central Asia’s dependency on Russia for energy.
  • To counter China’s Belt and road initiative which is a Global Infrastructure development strategy introduced by Chinese Government to invest in 150 countries and international organisations. By countering this EU wants to become an alternative to BRI.
  • To diversify EU’s supply chain with introducing as well as strengthening trade relations with India and its neighbourhood.
  • To develop India’s importance as a Geo-political partner with shared interest in sustainable connectivity.


Opportunities for India

The opportunities that this gateway conference created for India are Enhancing Interconnectedness among countries. Helps India in gaining strategic leaderships and emphasizes connectivity, regional partnerships which helps India in gaining economic diplomacy. This gateway conference will improve partnerships in Indo-Pacific regions by focusing on sustainable usage of energy and development, countering climatic changes, digital and cyber-attacks. It also helps in maintain good maritime relations and can help in creating new strategic alignments in Geo- Politics.[iv]


Challenges for the Global Gateway of cooperation

The lack of funding due to structured and decentralized financial system of Team Europe. This event is integrated in a way that the member nations should also take proper financial initiative so as to make it successful. If proper balanced implementation is not made then it can lead to debt trap like that of BRI initiative of China.[v]


Recommendations for the Global Gateway of cooperation

Suggestions that can be given to this whole initiative is on the basis of administering it properly. As we can see the main focus of EU is to counter other powers at to establish its dominance or presence in this region if not properly implemented the result can affect India and its neighbours economically and politically. Therefore, we can see India have involved in many connective involvements with many countries so as to have a good control in global geo- politics which shows India as a rising Global Power.[vi]


Author: Gauri Priya C Nair, Research Intern, CS3, USI




[i] Asian Confluence, “Day-1- EU India Global gateway Conference,”  filmed June 1 at Shillong, India, video, 13:60,

[ii] “India values her multi-faceted partnership with EU: PM Modi,”  Indian Blooms, Accessed on June 11 2023,

[iii] “EU India to step up Global Gateway cooperation in North East India,” Bhutan, Press and information Team to Delegation of India and. 2023 Bhutan, Press and information Team to Delegation of India, Accessed on  June 11 2023,

[iv] “India- EU Global Gateway Conference,” GK Today, Accessed on June 9 2023,

[v] Ibid.

[vi] “India-EU Economic Relations: A New Chapter Unfolds,” Trade Promotion Council of India, Accessed on June 11 2023,

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