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India and World’s Trend Towards Increasing Budget in Defence Sector

Aneesh writes, defence expenditure is an important component of national security and every country allocates a significant portion of its resources for this purpose. However, given the scarcity of resources and the competing demands from other sectors, a nation’s ability to meet all its Defence requirements is not unlimited.

A country’s defence spending represents the most direct way of measuring its potential military capability. Defence expenditure is an important component of national security and every country allocates a significant portion of its resources for this purpose. However, given the scarcity of resources and the competing demands from other sectors, a nation’s ability to meet all its Defence requirements is not unlimited. Even the United States, the only military superpower, is unable to afford many of its major programmes, forcing it to scale down the number of items to be procured 1.

Recently, India budget enters into the top 5 budgets of the world.  In 2018 budget India spent nearly 12.10% of total budget 2.95 lakh crore rupees . Previous year it was 2.74 lakh crore, an allocation that boosted defence budget by 7.81%2. Budget allocation in defence is increasing because of military threats from China and Pakistan. Not only India, several countries are increasing their defence budget in order to protect sovereignty of their respective nations and some countries increasing budget to expand their influence over the other countries. Countries like china and Pakistan spent lots of money on Defence. So India also needs to modernise its army to protect itself from China and Pakistan. But the increasing in budget in military is also a bad indicator for world’s peace and prosperity.  If nations concentrates only on increasing their budget and army, it’s not fruitful investment for any nation.  Every rupee that’s going on military is dead budget , because it’s unproductive and deters the every nation’s welfare. We have to learn from history that how wars are destructive of civilisations and how wars are expensive. War itself is a enemy to every country and every citizen in the world.  It has both direct and indirect effects to its people. Instead of spending of million crores of money on military we have a option to spend it on betterment of the world in various other fields. I know it’s practically impossible, because many countries have unending border disputes, historical rivalry with each other nations. We can not stop spending on military completely but trend of increasing spending on military has definitely reached an alarming situation. So world has to come up with world peace forums with solutions to historical problems, ceasefire agreements, agreement on spending zero on military at least a year in decade will definitely improve the world countries. As long as countries involves in the wars it doesn’t have a right to call it self as a civilized nation. 1
END NOTES1. 1.U.S. Government Accountability Office, Defense Acquisitions: Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs, Report to Congressional Committees, [Online : Web]
accessed April 30,2018- March 2008,

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