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Hail to the End Of Korean War – A Historic Summit

Manya writes about the summit that took place on Friday, April 27, where Kim Jong-Un, the leader of North Korea held an “openhearted talk” with the President of South Korea Moon Jae-In, reaching a “satisfactory agreement” and officially end the 65 years old Korean war.

Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea held an “openhearted talk” with the President of  South Korea Moon Jae-in on April 27, reaching a “satisfactory agreement” and officially end the 65 years old Korean war. Korea was split into two parts in 1948 after the World War II, which brought an end to the 35-year-old Japan’s rule. When the Japanese empire was dismantled at the end of World War Two, Korea fell victim to the Cold War. It was divided into two spheres of influence along the 38th parallel.After the war, South Korea’s economy prospered under a series of capitalist dictatorships and the country eventually became a democracy. North Korea remains an economic basket case and a police state which has been ruled by the same family for three generations. First came Kim Il-Sung, then his son Kim Jong-Il, and now the grandson Kim Jong-Un. 1

Mr. Kim spent over four hours with the South Korean agents, including Mr. Moon’s national security adviser, Chung Eui-Yong. They met in talks and over a supper on Monday in the headquarters of the North’s administering Workers’ Party in Pyongyang, the North’s capital, Mr. Moon’s office said on Tuesday. South Korean authorities said the discussions with Mr. Kim were “not baffling.”

During discussions, Mr. Kim also talked about a few delicate points in relations for both the countries. Mr. Moon also talked about the recent bus accident in North Korea that killed 32 Chinese and four North Korean workers. Both the leaders expressed their hopes for peace that will prevail between both the nations.They agreed on committing to complete demilitarization of the peninsula and making it nuclear-free. The declaration also aimed at uniting the families that have been split in North and South Korea.

Korea: A History Of The North-South Split, north-south-split-10449691

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