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A presentation by Col Sanjev Relia on “Cyber Warfare: It’s Implications on National Security” was organised by the USI on the 25 of November 2014

A presentation  by Col Sanjev Relia on “Cyber Warfare: It’s Implications on National Security” was organised by the USI on the 25 of November 2014 .This was the second presentation in a three series event . The first presentation was held on 14 Mar 2014 and covered basic understanding of cyberspace, and how cyber-attacks were classified. It also dealt with the global and regional cyber scenario. The second presentation covered the critical info-infrastructure (CII) of a nation and discussed how a cyber-attack on various CII can neutralize/ degrade their performance. It also covered how one can protect the critical info-infrastructure in the country, what legal cover is available in India for this, and what kind of organisations  one need to create to protect CII in India.


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