Manmeet writes, prognosis of the evolving socio-political landscape and the prevailing scenario, points towards a pertinent need to arrive at a framework for conflict resolution and measures to improve security, governance and sustainable development. The measures should take into account all the voices which define J & K.
Geopolitics - 9. page
Visit of 27-member Chinese PLA National Defence University (NDU) Delegation to USI
A 27-member Chinese PLA National Defence University (NDU) delegation visited USI on 20 June 2018. The delegation was headed by Maj. Gen Dong Lianshan, Commandant of Joint Operational Studies College, NDU.
French Institute for Higher Defence Studies (IHEDN) Delegation Visit to USI on 29 May 2018
A 32-member delegation led by Vice Admiral (Retd) Gerard Valin, Head of the Delegation from French Institute for Higher Defence Studies (IHEDN) visited USI on 29 May 2018.
USI conducted Scholar Presentation by Col Nihar Kunar, Senior Research Fellow, USI on 15 May 2018 at the USI
USI conducted Scholar Presentation by Col Nihar Kunar, Senior Research Fellow, USI on 15 May 2018 at the USI. The Welcome remarks were made by Maj Gen BK Sharma, AVSM, […]
USI conducted Scholar Presentation by Col Shaman Chodha, Senior Research Fellow, USI on 27 April 2018 at the USI.
USI conducted Scholar Presentation by Col Shaman Chodha, Senior Research Fellow, USI on 27 April 2018 at the USI.
Nigerian National Defence College Course Delegation visit to USI
USI conducted a discussion for the Nigerian National Defence College Course Delegation at USI on 16 May 2018.