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Geopolitics - 28. page

Is Taliban in Transition?

Shantanu Roy-Chaudhury writes: On the 21st of May 2016, a US airstrike killed Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour in the Pakistani province of Baluchistan.

Russia’s Gradual Rapprochement with Pakistan

Raj Kumar Sharma writes: Russia looks to be moving towards an even handed approach in South Asia akin to Soviet Union’s South Asia policy in 1960s where it mediated between India and Pakistan at Tashkent in 1966 following the 1965 Indo-Pak war.

Iran – The New Frontier

Shantanu Roy-Chaudhury Writes: Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Iran from the 22nd to the 23rd of May 2016. His agenda for discussions consisted of trade, investment, energy partnership, and enhancing connectivity.

India-Iran Eurasian partnership takes off

Raj Kumar Sharma writes: A trilateral agreement was signed between India, Iran and Afghanistan which would allow India and Iran to access Central Asia and Afghanistan while land locked Afghanistan and Central Asian Republics would be able to access sea through Zaranj-Delaram-Chabahar link.

China Set to Checkmate India’s Entry in Nuclear Suppliers Group

Maj Gen RPS Bhadauria (Retd) writes: Pakistan is crucial to China as it provides geo-political and geo-strategic advantage over India and keeps it in check. Pakistan also provides access to Indian Ocean and transport corridor to its restive western province – Xinjiang.