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Geopolitics - 18. page

Surgical Strike Redux : Fighting the Hybrid War

Anurag Dwivedi writes: Whether Indian political leadership has the vision and acumen to orchestrate the synergy required for waging Hybrid Warfare will decide the outcome of our new strategy.

Pakistan Faces Tough Choices on Defense Spending In Future

Dr Raj Kumar Sharma writes: Stimson Center, one of the leading think tanks in the world, has come out with a report ‘Military Budgets in India and Pakistan: Trajectories, Priorities, and Risks’. Written by Shane Mason, the report analyzes how India and Pakistan convert their economic strength into military power.

Quetta Attack: Reflection Of Grave Security Situation In Pakistan

Bhatnagar writes: The unfortunate attack on the Police Training Centre in Quetta leaving 58 dead is a reflection of grave security situation in Pakistan. The instability in restive Balochistan, the troubled heartland of the CPEC, has geo-strategic implications for China to reconsider.