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Geopolitics - 16. page

Is CPEC A Self Goal by China And Pakistan?

Sandeep Jain writes: There has been considerable excitement in the strategic circles of India as also China and Pakistan ever since China announced CPEC as a part of its ‘Belt and Road (OBOR)’ initiative.


Sandeep Jain writes: For China also a slowdown of economic relations with USA comes at a cost. The Chinese economy runs the risk of stagnating unless it can quickly find new avenues of revenue in other countries. OBOR is a step in that direction.

Donald Trump : Will He be a Trump Card For Taiwan

Sandeep Jain Writes: In either case Taiwan does not really gain by the US support-perceived or real. The reason is simple. Both geography as well demography inexorably binds Taiwan’s fate with PRC.

China’s Massive Drill in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Dr Roshan Writes: Over 10,000 soldiers with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Xinjiang Military Area Command participate in a defensive drill operation in a mountainous area rising over 4,000 meters above sea level in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.