Dr Geeta Kochhar Writes : With tensions rising on the India-China border, Nepal is at a crossroad. Being a nation between the two power giants, it is facing a Catch-22 […]
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Dr. Roshan Khanijo's academic qualification includes BSc, MA and PhD. Her topic for the doctoral thesis was "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Developing Countries – A Critical Appraisal" She is the author of a book "Complexities and Challenges of Nuclear India" She was the member of the study team which did the Net Assessment on China and South Asia. She has been a panelist in Panel Discussions on nuclear issues. She presented a paper in the seminar organized by CIISS (China Institute for International and strategic Studies) in Beijing .She also took part in the discussions held by CICIR (China Institute of Contemporary International Relations) in Beijing. She has taken guest lectures for Jindal International University .Currently she is working as a Research Fellow at USI.
Major General Harsha Kakar (Retd) Writes : Imran Khan in his address to the UNGA, which was almost a repeat of 2019, raised Kashmir and the threat of war. He […]
Chinese Merchantmen or Man o’war?: Flagging The Advent of Strategic Uncertainty
Rudraprassana Writes : The Delineation of First Island Chain-The Pacific Theatre. There is an old saying about revealing your cards. It is why we have the term-poker face. So in […]
India – Uzbekistan Partnership in Peace Building in Afghanistan
Maj Gen BK Sharma AVSM, SM** (Retd), Director, USI writes, the world leaders at the 75th UN General Assembly have made strong pitch for comprehensive UN reforms for strengthening multilateralism , meeting sustainable developmental goals and revamping measures for conflict prevention and resolution. There is a strong convergence of vision articulated by the President of Uzbekistan and the Prime Minister of India on the role of UN in peace building in Afghanistan. President of Uzbekistan has proposed creation of a Permanent Team at UN ( PTUN ) to coordinate international peace building efforts Afghanistan. India and Afghanistan have played significant role in capacity building in the conflict torn country . Great scope exists for the two countries to work together on joint projects at the bilateral level as well as multilaterally under the aegis of UN . However , the concept needs more deliberations to give it a practical shape.
EMERGING GEO – POLITICAL TRENDS IN AFGHANISTAN: IMPACT ON INDO – AFGHAN RELATIONS, A report on the 5th Indo – Afghan Security Dialogue – 02 September 2020
Author: Report prepared by Naireen Khan, Research Assistant, Aastha Gupta, Research Assistant, edited by Dr Roshan Khanijo, ADR, USI of India and Maj Gen Rajiv Narayanan, AVSM, VSM (Retd), head CS3, […]
NEW COLD WAR WITH THE IMPLICATIONS FOR INDO – PACIFIC, A report of the Joint USI of India-CAPS Taiwan Webinar, 28 Aug 2020
Report prepared by Mr. Gaurav, Kumar, Editorial Assistant, edited by Dr Roshan Khanijo, ADR CS3. The United Service Institution of India (USI) and Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies (CAPS), […]