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Dr. Roshan Khanijo's academic qualification includes BSc, MA and PhD. Her topic for the doctoral thesis was "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Developing Countries – A Critical Appraisal" She is the author of a book "Complexities and Challenges of Nuclear India" She was the member of the study team which did the Net Assessment on China and South Asia. She has been a panelist in Panel Discussions on nuclear issues. She presented a paper in the seminar organized by CIISS (China Institute for International and strategic Studies) in Beijing .She also took part in the discussions held by CICIR (China Institute of Contemporary International Relations) in Beijing. She has taken guest lectures for Jindal International University .Currently she is working as a Research Fellow at USI.

A Cyber Pearl Harbor Can Happen In India Too

Sanjeev Relia points out that India is in a race against time to build effective infrastructure to ward off a major cyber attack and that private industry needs to join hands with government agencies in this great task.

Politics of Reclamation in South China Sea

The recent spate of reclamation in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea has been reported and analyzed widely by SCS observers. They indicate mammoth reclamation and construction efforts by China to incrementally expand tiny shoals into islands capable of hosting airstrips.

Future of IBSA: The South –South Initiative

The South –South cooperation started way back in 2003 between India-South Africa and Brazil in what is called as India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA). It was an important forum then between the developing countries and still has the potential to grow.