Roshan Writes: There have been reports that China has not only started developing Ballistic Missile Defence Systems but also has deployed a limited version of this. The question that arises is why China who in the past had vehemently criticized the American BMD program now wants to develop it
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Dr. Roshan Khanijo's academic qualification includes BSc, MA and PhD. Her topic for the doctoral thesis was "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Developing Countries – A Critical Appraisal" She is the author of a book "Complexities and Challenges of Nuclear India" She was the member of the study team which did the Net Assessment on China and South Asia. She has been a panelist in Panel Discussions on nuclear issues. She presented a paper in the seminar organized by CIISS (China Institute for International and strategic Studies) in Beijing .She also took part in the discussions held by CICIR (China Institute of Contemporary International Relations) in Beijing. She has taken guest lectures for Jindal International University .Currently she is working as a Research Fellow at USI.
China Spreading Economic Tentacles Around the World
Sanjay Kumar Writes: Few days back China rolled out its first home-grown large passenger aircraft C919 out of assembly line in Shanghai. At the ceremony, C919 was towed beneath a banner with the phrase “a dream takes off”, truly the wings that are much needed by China to boost its economic growth and fly over the world.
Superannuating Army Jawans – Precious National Resource Being Wasted ?
Sanjay Kumar Writes:Every year about 40,000 JCOs /OR superannuate from service, of these 90 percent i.e. approx. 36,000 are Jawans in the age group of 35 to 39 years. These highly trained, physically fit and mentally robust, disciplined, dedicated, motivated youth with vast potential gets wasted every year.
IORA Council Meeting: Onwards from Padang
MH Rajesh Writes: This IORA council meet was unique, in that, there was a Maritime Cooperation Declaration, in addition to the usual Communique that the IORA releases after the meet. There was a clearer recognition of maritime security in this meeting as evident in the declaration.
USI-Stimson Center Nuclear Round Table Discussions on Pakistan
USI organised a RTD with a three member delegation headed by Mr. Sameer Lalwani, Deputy Director, South Asia Program, The Stimson Center, on 02 November 2015 from 1030-1230 hours.
India Reaches Out to Africa
Raj Kumar Sharma writes: The recently concluded India-Africa Summit in New Delhi was one of India’s most ambitious diplomatic outreach events in over two decades since the Non Aligned Summit in 1983.