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What Happens After Being Declared A Global Terrorist?

Yasaswi Tanya gives a detailed account of what happens when a individual/entity is listed as a terrorist under the UN Security Council and also highlights its implication on the listing of Masood Azhar.

In a huge diplomatic success for India, the security council declared Masood Azhar as “global terrorist”. This has been a great win to India after a 10 year long struggle. It was possible only after China lifted its hold to the proposal to declare the chief of  Jaish-e-Mohammed.

After the recent Phulwama attacks, a fresh proposal was laid out by US, UK and France in March 2019. The fresh proposal in the Security council was backed by Russia as well. However, the proposal was witheld by China, one of the permanent members in the Security Council using its veto powers. The proposal was the fourth attempt at the UN in the last 10 years to list Azhar as a global terrorist.

Once a person or entity is designated a terrorist by the the Security Council, all the countries, which are members of the United Nations have to establish a range of mechanisms domestically. These mechanisms include adoption of the list at national level, a series of bans, including finances, arms and travel. These ar eto be imposed on the individual or organisation by all the members of United Nations.

Once an individual or organisation is declared as a “global terrorist”, the UN members are required to freeze all thei financial assets, funds and economic assets. The members are also expected to freeze all the financial assets related to individuals acting on their behalf. The nations are also required to prohibit other citizens with its territory from financiall helping the “global terrorist”.

The global terrorist is also not allowed transit into the territories of the member nations. The entry of the “global terrorist” should be prevented. All member states are required to prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale and transfer from their territories and regions or by their nationals outside their territories, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, of arms and related materiel of all types, spare parts, and technical advice, assistance, or training related to military activities, to designated individuals and entities.

The sanctions committee likewise directs the execution of the approvals measures and reports every year to the Security Council on the usage of these measures. Azhar’s assignment as a “global terrorist” will constrain Pakistan to act in favour of him and people and elements related with him. This will adequately mean complete immobilization of Azhar and shutdown of his association and its establishments, for example, terror camps and madrasas.

Considering that Masood Azhar has been the brain behind many attacks in India, including the latest one in Kashmir’s Pulwama, it is a huge diplomatic victory for India. Sanctions on Masood Azhar may also help curb terrorism in India and surrounding countries.




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