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USI conducted a Strategic Panel Discussion for Iraqi and Syrian Diplomats Undergoing Special Course at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), New Delhi on January 22, 2018

USI conducted a Strategic Panel Discussion for Iraqi and Syrian diplomats undergoing special course at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), New Delhi on January 22, 2018 . The aim of Strategic Panel Discussion is to provide an opportunity to participants to understand and analyse dynamics of ISIS as a transnational threat and its growing footprints in Eurasia.

USI conducted a Strategic Panel Discussion for Iraqi and Syrian diplomats undergoing special course at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), New Delhi on January 22,  2018 . The aim of Strategic Panel Discussion is to provide an opportunity to participants to understand and analyse dynamics of ISIS as a transnational threat and its growing footprints in Eurasia. The Scope of the strategic Discussion is to under the dynamics of emerging global strategic and security environment in the backdrop of growing threats from the extremism and terrorism, and the interplay of the competing interests and strategies of various stakeholders.



(a)  Chair for Strategic Discussions. Lt Gen P K Singh, PVSM, AVSM (Retd), Director USI

(b) ISIS as a Transnational Threat. Lt Gen PC Katoch, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, SC (Retd), An accomplished security analyst and a member of USI Council

(c) Growing Footprint of the ISIS in the Euroasia.  Major General B K Sharma, AVSM, SM** (Retd),  Deputy Director (Research) and Head of Centre for Strategic Studies and Simulation at the USI

(d) Discussion coordinator. Maj Gen RPS Bhadauria, VSM (Retd),  An alumnus of National Defence College, New Delhi and CAEPE, Brazil.


Lt Gen PC Katoch discussing  ISIS as a Transnational Threat


Major General B K Sharma discussing Growing Footprint of the ISIS in the Euroasia


Participants of the Discussion

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