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Reclaiming Indian Military History

Sandeep Jain Writes: Unless we target the next generation, we will not be able to change our national culture. The first place to change is therefore our textbooks where events such as WW1 etc should find a greater mention. There is also a need to harness the print and the electronic media to increase awareness.

Paris Attacks and their Implications for France

Raj Kumar Sharma writes: There are a number of important implications for France to be drawn from this attack. First is that the ISIS is expanding its area of operations beyond its Middle East strongholds. This means that it would carry out al Qaida type attacks on Western countries on their soil.

Myanmar Elections and After

M H Rajesh Writes: It is the second time that Daw Aung San Su Kyi’s NLD has won an election in 25 years. Last victory could not translate into a democratic government as the Tatmadaw, the military, seized power sending Daw into a house arrest that lasted 20 years. A general’s daughter herself, she quietly fought back, and has won remarkably in this latest election.

ISIS in Central Asia?

MH Rajesh writes: Central Asia is resource rich with very moderate security structures. Besides, their location away from sea makes access complicated. They also suffer from poor governance structures, which has causes radicalisation amongst their youth which in turn gets reported as a ‘concern’ by the very rulers who choose the ISIS theory.

China’s Foray into Ballistic Missile Defence: Implications for India

Roshan Writes: There have been reports that China has not only started developing Ballistic Missile Defence Systems but also has deployed a limited version of this. The question that arises is why China who in the past had vehemently criticized the American BMD program now wants to develop it

China Spreading Economic Tentacles Around the World

Sanjay Kumar Writes: Few days back China rolled out its first home-grown large passenger aircraft C919 out of assembly line in Shanghai. At the ceremony, C919 was towed beneath a banner with the phrase “a dream takes off”, truly the wings that are much needed by China to boost its economic growth and fly over the world.