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Modi’s US Visit: What the Big ‘Deliverables’ Might Be!

As Prime Minister Narendra Modi begins his five-day trip to the US many political observers draw disparate scenarios over its mission and success. Some say it is time to set India-US relations on an even keel, as ties have been rocky in recent years. It is believed that stalled Indo-US dialogues on Central Asia, West Asia, Af-Pak and Africa are likely to be revived. Modi and Obama would have to find a solution to the WTO impasse on the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), keeping in mind the plight of the small Indian farmer. The Prime Minister will also have to spell out policy changes to attract US business. Those in Washington who opposed the Indo-US nuclear deal are in office now and so the prospects of India entering the non-proliferation regimes (Wassenaar, NSG, MTCR and Australia Group) are said to be dim. But is a breakthrough possible? Alyssa Ayres, in her recent article in Forbes, titled ‘Indian Prime Minister Modi in the United States: What to Watch,’ contends that “the place to look for deliverables will be Wall Street, not 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue”.  What are your views in this respect? We would appreciate your comments.


To read Alyssa Ayres’ article in Forbes, click the link

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