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India’s Pakistan Dilemma , Rhetorics VS Concrete Options ?

Maj Gen BK Sharma (Retd) Writes: Despite espousing a strong posture against Pakistan and despite strong provocation from that country and Indian public anger , the Government is still ambivalent in its Pakistan policy.The military brass has thundered that they will take revenge at the time and place of their choosing. How this threat is translated into action is to be seen?

 Maj Gen BK Sharma (Retd) Writes: Shri G .Parthasarthy India’s former High Commissioner and a noted expert on Pakistan has today written an article in the Times of India titled ” Isolating Pakistan in South  should be our major priority” The article suggests measures ,how to isolate Pakistan , internationally and inSAARC.TV debates and social media are abuzz with other options including use of force at different levels up the escalatory ladder.The fact of the matter is despite espousing a strong posture against Pakistan and despite strong provocation from that country and Indian public anger , the Government is still ambivalent in its Pakistan policy.The military brass has thundered that they  will take revenge at the time and place of their choosing. How this threat is translated into action is to be seen?
Post Uri, a lot of people have been talking about all out war with Pakistan while some have said we must ignore and move on. Some leftists  and others have also said it was a false flag done to malign the kashmir movement and   Pakistan has no role here .Some thinkers have suggested measures short of war such as deport Pak citizens, stop diplomatic relations , stop train and bus services ,withdraw MFN status , renegotiate Indus Water, suspend border trade at Kaman and via Dubai, Stop ships which have called on Pakistani ports from entering Indian waters.In this bluster the main issues  viz what is India’ s Pakistan policy with specific reference to conflict in Kashmir and what is broad strategy for India to Pacify Kashmir and rein in Pakistan  remain unanswered .May I solicit views of the readers please.
“Isolating Pakistan in South  should be our major priority’

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