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Geopolitics - 37. page

ISIS in Central Asia?

MH Rajesh writes: Central Asia is resource rich with very moderate security structures. Besides, their location away from sea makes access complicated. They also suffer from poor governance structures, which has causes radicalisation amongst their youth which in turn gets reported as a ‘concern’ by the very rulers who choose the ISIS theory.

IORA Council Meeting: Onwards from Padang

MH Rajesh Writes: This IORA council meet was unique, in that, there was a Maritime Cooperation Declaration, in addition to the usual Communique that the IORA releases after the meet. There was a clearer recognition of maritime security in this meeting as evident in the declaration.

General Elections in Myanmar and Future Prospects

SK Shahi Writes: General elections in Myanmar are scheduled to be held on 8 November 2015. Approx. 35 million voters will cast their vote for 6300 candidates’ from 93 political parties. 330 constituencies are set for lower house, 168 constituencies for the upper house, 644 constituencies for regional or state parliaments and 29 constituencies for regional or state parliaments for ethnics.