Gauri Priya writes that historically largescale interconnectedness between India and many of its neighbouring countries existed. These interactions included largescale flow of goods, services, capital and people spanning from foothills […]
Geopolitics - 3. page
Shangri-La Dialogue: A Major Asia Security Summit
Om Ranjan writes that concerns over the Indo-Pacific and Chinese belligerent postures in the region, especially regarding the Taiwan Strait, remained a focal point of debate in the 20th series […]
Indo – Nepal: How much Attention Does it Warrant?
Col Manik writes, the BRI is a costly venture and will push Nepal to be indebted to China with minimal cost benefit, though on completion will provide Nepal access to an alternative market within Tibet and China, but for its exports/ imports from other countries will have to rely on India.
The newly released Naval Doctrine consolidates Russian maritime ambitions
Samriddhi Roy writes on the newly released Russian Naval Doctrine.
A Violet Game of Tug of War In Pakistan
Srijan Sharma Writes about Pakistan’s recent Karachi Blast and brewing up insurgency in Pakistan and its spillovers which will adversely impact Pakistan’s security calculus. On the face of it, Pakistan can give thousands of arguments to give a conducive outlook of the state’s security environment but from the inside, it is becoming lethal and deadly which will eat up the state.
The Weaponization of Economy: A Strategic Foreign Policy Tool
Srijan Sharma Writes today’s economics is weaponized and the intention of weaponization is to attain foreign policy and strategic goals in various geopolitical landscapes. Parallelly, alternatives and escaping or withstanding mechanisms are in making especially in the backdrop of the Russia Ukraine conflict.