Pratyush Manoj Writes: Recently, the director of the Bollywood movie ‘Bajarangi Bhaijan’, Kabir Khan was heckled at Karachi Airport and was chased by angry shoe wielding protesters shouting ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ and anti- India slogans.
Geopolitics - 29. page
‘India Waiting’ for APEC Membership
Apoorva Singegol Writes: India has taken a step ahead with regard to international trade integration and has put forward its wish to join the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).
Modi Government’s NAM 3.0 Or a shift to Multi-Alignment?
Prachita Singh Writes: India’s non alignment policy has evolved over the years but can it still be classified as ‘non alignment’? or is it just a game of choosing alliances to counter balance one another?
India-Maldives Defense Action Plan: Countering China’s foray in IOR
Sweetlin Brahmachary Writes:Maldives is an island country located in the Indian Ocean.The signing of the defense Action Plan apart from the five other agreements is to check the Chinese influence in this country.
BSF Operationalizes “Laser Walls”: A Welcome Move
Niharika Hooda Writes: The Border Security Force of India has put in operation, a dozen “laser walls” along the India-Pakistan international border in Punjab to keep a close watch and block infiltration and terrorists from entering the Indian state.
India-Iran Cooperation in Natural Gas
Amit Lokhande Writes: India is going forward with an ambitious, despite disadvantages, ultra-deepwater natural gas pipeline across the Arabian Sea, from Iran to India’s west coast. It is known as the SAGE pipeline.